Friday, March 14, 2014

Getting my feet wet

I chose the Simple template for my blog, not because of the name, but because I liked it for its lack of clutter. In fact, I removed a couple of elements that I deemed unnecessary -- and that is what I am striving for in my life. Nothing extra. Only what is truly needed and makes me happy.

Over the years I have made many steps toward decluttering and streamlining, donating kids' toys that would not be (and were not) missed, packing lunches the night before, employing the crockpot, trying to say "no," curbing my obsessive and time-consuming daily running habit....

But now it time to simplify in a bigger way, with the end goal being happy, or at least content. Lofty, I know. With this blog I intend to get my feet wet, reach of to other like-minded people, learn a lot, make mistakes, and ever day get one step closer.

Wish me luck.


  1. Amen sister! Wishing you (and the rest of us) success in sweeping away all of the clutter.
